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How You Pill?

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How You Pill?


How You Feel after taking your Medications?

Predict, Record, and Analyze Side Effects with Ease!


How do you know about Side Effect of your medications?


S.E.P.A (Side Effect Prediction Algorhithm)

Side Effect Prediction Algorhithm

How it works?

Our algorithm provides highly reliable side effect predictions based on FDA Prescribing Information.

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All you need to do is add the medication you’re taking

Our algorithm saves you from sifting through complex FDA documents.

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Liberating Users

from Side Effect Fears

Our service helps people around the globe overcome the fear of medication side effects with ease and confidence.

User Empowered


Medications Searched


Side Effect Records Reported





Why is it important to know the side effects of the medications I take?

You need to know about side effects so that when symptoms occur, you can recognize whether or not it is a side effect caused by the drug. Systematically and objectively recording these symptoms and providing this information to your doctor can help them make a more accurate diagnosis.

I am taking five different medications. Do I have to search for each one individually to see the results?

Absolutely not! That's the beauty of How You Pill. Our developed system 'SEPA' can calculate the potential side effects regardless of how many medications you input.

Can I search for all medications?

Among the meds on the market that have been approved by the U.S. FDA, you can only search for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and psychotherapeutic meds.

・ Cardiovascular diseases includes arrhythmias, blood clots, coronary artery disease, high or low blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart failure, and stroke, etc.

・ Psychotherapeutic diseases includes depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, PTSD, ADHD etc.

What is the How you pill team like?

The 'How you pill' team is a healthcare startup comprised of a CEO pharmacist and developers.

How do I send other questions or feedback?

email :

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